Hi loves!
So of course it's been a while and a million things have happened since then. Let's see epic bachelorette party at the lakehouse, Formal, Finals, Bridal Luncheon at the Farmers', Rehearsal Dinner at the Skyboxes at Neyland.... me and jess getting tipsy off 1.5 glasses of wine and giggling like school girls and then me giving my speech which I made up in the tanning bed that morning that 1: people were raving about and 2: made Blake cry :) success, andddddddddddddd the absolutely and undeniably most perfect wedding evaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Exactly one week and a day ago, we officially named Mr. and Mrs. Blake Lewis at St. John's Lutheran Church and a ballin reception at Holsten Hills Country Club, motown band and all. Needless to say my already crazy life has been even more eventful as of lately!!! The newlyweds will be returning tonight from Mexico!
All that being said, I'm currently at work trying to learn Italian on Rosetta Stone b/c.......I'm leaving for Europe in 2.5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My bff Kirby and I will be traveling to Paris for 3 days, then to Rome to meet our program directors and other students, spending 3 days there, then to Florence where we will be taking Fashion Design and Illustration for 5 weeks!!!!! We'll take excursions to Cinque Terra, Venice, and Verona. Then, my mom, sis, and aunt will meet us at the end of our program where will again return to Venice. Kirb and I will then venture to Milan together just b/c it's definitely necessary. Thennnn, my bff from hs Lauren's dad lives 1 hr outside of London, so I'll be going there for a week with her!!!! I CANNOT WAIT and am slightly freaking out that it's on Wednesday! Of course feeling unprepared but soooo excited!!! So hopefully for the next 7 weeks I'll keep up with ezisa kairos a little better!
Ironically enough, i began this blog really holding true to ezisa kairos's real meaning: live in the moment. This year I've tended to drift from this logic either dwelling in the past or just constantly thinking about the future (and who can blame me when I'm going to Europe!) but all that being said, I think it's time for me to really focus on this. The time is now. I WILL BE IN ITALY. No more worries, anticipations, fears. It's here. My 1st and main goal for this trip is to LIVE IN THE MOMENT! EZISA KAIROS!! So I hope you will join me in this fabulous adventure and I embark on my own "eat, pray, love" story and hopefully also inspire you to do the same. live in the moment. appreciate all that god has to give you. never take for granted, acknowledge, and be thankful for all that you have.

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